Monday, March 24, 2014

Recipe: Everything-Free Soda Bread!

Guys, I love soda bread. I used to make it any time of year, pre-allergies. Not to brag or anything, but I actually have the world's best recipe (ok, I guess I do want to brag a little here; message me for the recipe!). But it has wheat and dairy and eggs in it.

BEHOLD! Rice has never tasted so good.

So the muffin and I held an experiment using Gluten-Free Bisquick. Just look at that lovely bread. Fellow Eliminationeers, it was fantastic. Make it.

Is this dramatic? I was going for dramatic.
 If I can figure out what to tweak, I'll do so and adjust the recipe. The bread was a little chewy, but chewy like real bread, so all was forgiven. Buttermilk is a key component to the traditional bread, so I tried making clabbered rice milk; nothing happened. Oh well. My husband and I attacked and nearly destroyed this bread anyway. There's one hunk left right now...

I know - St. Paddy's day was last week. I'm late with this. I had planned to make it last week with a nice festive stew, but Julia was feeling a bit under the weather -- I had fed her baby oat cereal for breakfast that day, and she spent the afternoon, evening and night celebrating like many of her college-aged Irish brethren: by puking her brains out. It was awful. She couldn't keep anything down, even water, until we started spoonfeeding her electrolyte water every twenty minutes for hours. We went to bed around 2am, and thankfully Julia woke up feeling great and ravenous. In a related matter, check the ingredients of Pedialyte if you ever have the need to buy it -- food colorings, artificial sweeteners, all sorts of unnecessary garbage. I was desperate, so in a late-night/puke-stained mad dash to the market I chose the unflavored version, which is acceptable. Coconut water comes recommended highly if you can tolerate it; the muffin cannot.

Professional hand models were compensated with soda bread.
Recipe: Everything-Free Soda Bread

4 cups GF Bisquick, aka a whole box + 1 cup (ripoff!)
4 tablespoons applesauce, or fake butter, or coconut oil
1 egg OR egg replacer
1 1/4 cups milk of your choice (if you can, omg go buttermilk)
1 cup raisins
1 tablespoon caraway seeds

Oven to 400. Line a pie plate or cast iron skillet with parchment.

Mix the flour with the applesauce until it looks mealy or like crumbs. Mix together the egg and the milk (I do it in a measuring cup) and add in. Stir in the raisins and caraway. When it's well mixed, pour into pie plate and cut a large cross into the top. If desired, dot with fake butter (makes a lovely difference). Bake til cooked through, 45-55 minutes.

I thought mine looked underdone, but that was just the texture of the rice flour.When it's all brown and gorgeous, it's done.

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