Saturday, June 7, 2014

Coming Home

We've been back in New England for a few days now, and getting Julia back on east coast time has not been easy. I have hopes for tonight though. Just like the hopes I had for last night. And the one before that.

Just in time for spending a day in public, Julia added the "F" sound to her repertoire of raspberries, ma, ba, and da. It's cute, but I can't help but think we got a few stares while waiting at the gate whenever Julia started saying "FFFFFFFFFF" as loudly as she could.

We loved Arizona, but we're very glad to be back home where the changing table is fully stocked and the kitchen has safe food. I did all right in the airport in Boston, but our terminal in Phoenix only had two offerings - a Wendy's and a taco stand. Normally I'd be psyched about tacos, but the only Julia-approved food item was shredded lettuce. Mmm. Filling. 

Wendy's offered a plain baked potato and a salad with chicken, so long as I picked out the unsafe stuff. But they were out of grilled chicken, so I attempted to scrape the breading off the only chicken available. It didn't go well, and not only did Julia get upset from it, but I actually had an allergic reaction and broke out in a painful but lovely elbow rash. That and the baked potato was gross. Didn't expect that.

We brought tons of snacks from the organic market in AZ, but I didn't think to try and bring dinner too. Not sure how fresh it would have been after spending hours out of refrigeration, but I'd have eaten it anyway. I enjoy a life on the dangerous side. 

Deep down, I know that this is all temporary, and that makes it easier. I know I am able to digest lots of foods and could have made a nice meal of tacos. Over this trip, I really felt for people who have dietary restrictions. It ain't easy to find safe, satisfying, and good-tasting food outside your kitchen - I completely understand why most would rather stay home and cook. 

Our first night home, I made risotto, a real favorite. Julia has just about returned to normal too, sleeping schedules aside. Thank goodness we packed plenty of Baby Gas X - that was the real hero of the trip. And of being home. 

Traveling with a baby isn't easy and it requires a whole lot of planning, but I'm really glad we did it. Missing that desert already.

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