Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baby on Board

Traveling with Julia has not been easy. I wasn't expecting it to be simple, but I was hoping it wouldn't be quite so, how shall I put this, deathwishy? 

I got dairied the first night at dinner. I carefully read the menu and selected "Wood-Grilled Chicken lightly seasoned with salt and pepper" and two safe sides. When we got back to the hotel and opened up our takeout containers, I saw cheese. Cheese with a side of chicken. WHY didn't the menu list cheese! I'd also like to point out that this entree was under the "Light n Healthy" section. Because chicken slathered with cheese is both light n healthy. 

So I scraped with my knife and then rubbed with my napkin. I even cut off some of the top layer of chicken as best as I could. But Julia knew the cheese had been there. She screamed, she cried, and she pooped. It's been fun.

It's been downhill since then. The feister is still gassy and cranky. She's been in a lot of restaurants by now, and she's cried in just about all of them at least once. If you ever see a couple out to dinner with a baby, and the baby cries, please cut them some slack. They're doing the best they can. I'm so tired of entire rooms turning judgmental and annoyed eyes our way while I try to grab bites of my chicken and lettuce dinner. Believe us - we know her screams are not fun to listen to better than anybody!

On the bright side, Arizona is as gorgeous as ever. Today we're driving to the mountains and going exploring. I think Julia needs her picture taken with a cactus. Ok, near a cactus. In the same vicinity as a cactus.

And as one might guess about Arizona, there are Mexican restaurants on every corner. And they're really good ones too, the kind that put the Mexican restaurants back home to shame. But there isn't one item I could safely eat on their menus - I've checked. My sweet, sweet husband is fine with not eating Mexican food on this entire trip. Now that's true love. 

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