Monday, June 9, 2014

So I saw this thing on Pinterest...

So I saw this neat idea on Pinterest. It's a way to repurpose used coffee grounds as a skin exfoliant and also as a hair treatment. Sounded simple enough, so after John brewed up a pot, I swiped the spent grounds and let them cool. 

Oh how I miss coffee. The scent, the taste, the feeling of a warm, full mug in my hands, and the focused, clear mind that follows cup after delicious cup. So I figured using coffee in the shower might be a fun way to work it back in my routine, and better yet, I wouldn't even have to buy more of the stuff - I was going to use something I normally throw out.

In the shower, I wet my hair and grabbed a handful of coffee. It felt like working sand through my hair, but it was easy to do. I turned around to get more coffee, but was instead horrified by the coffee grounds all over the shower walls, tub, soap, wash cloth, shower curtain, and shampoo bottle. It was a coffee murder scene.

I grabbed the shower head and rinsed the evidence away. "Please don't clog the drain!" I implored. And then for some reason I haven't figured out yet, I grabbed another handful. I still wanted to try exfoliating, and I wasn't going to let a mess deter me, dammit. I scrubbed my arms and legs, and then rinsed. They were quite soft.

Then came the hair. I tried rinsing. And some more rinsing. And rinsing again. The bathroom smelled like closing time at Starbucks. And still these grinds would not come out.

I added shampoo and scrubbed. Julia woke up from her nap and started screaming. Shrieking, to be more accurate. I rinsed and scrubbed faster. I was making progress, but not as quickly as the muffin would have liked. Eventually, I could run fingers through my hair without coming across coffee. I turned for a final rinse only to find another coffee explosion - the tub, walls, curtain, soap... all of it. Again.

And I rinsed. And Julia cried. Through the baby monitor, I recognized the sound of her heels pounding the mattress over and over as she flailed and screamed. I made a note to myself not to try out things like this during naptimes when her father is at work.

Running water and gravity have a way of working things down whether we like it or not. And this fact of life applies to coffee grounds as much as it does a fat man doing a belly flop - everything moves and slides downward. So it shouldn't have come to as much of a surprise as it did when I discovered that I needed to rinse myself more thoroughly than usual. There are just some places coffee doesn't belong, and the shower is only one of them.

P.S. My hair was fantastic for two days - very soft and shiny. Same goes for my skin.

Additionally, use Pinterest at your own risk. 

Anybody else think this looks like fun?

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