Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sweet Potato Smoothie

You know you're on an elimination diet when:

I tried out a new framing effect.
I don't think I like it.
  • a sweet potato smoothie sounds like a great idea
  • you enjoy said sweet potato smoothie
  • the scent of fresh tomatoes makes you weep
  • driving past your favorite restaurant evokes a Pavlovian response
  • you buy a new pair of jeans two sizes smaller than your pre-pregnancy ones
It turns out Julia does not appreciate sweet potatoes. I hand selected a prime specimen, peeled and cubed it, and then steamed and pureed it. She looked shocked at the first bite. She shuddered her little baby shoulders at the second. And then at the third she stared at me, wide eyed and wide mouthed, unsure of what to do about the offensive glob on her tongue that wasn't going anywhere. We repeated this dance four days in a row.

So I had a bunch of organic pureed sweet potato on hand. Why not throw it in a smoothie!

Recipe: Sweet Potato Smoothie

1 1/2 cups milk of your choice
~1/2 sweet potato, cooked
1/2 cup apple sauce
1 banana, frozen or otherwise
1 serving protein powder of your choice (optional)
small hunk of fresh ginger
dash of nutmeg
honey, to taste (optional)

Blend to desired consistency. Not bad, eh?

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