Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cutting Baby's Hair

Guys, I'm really bad at cutting Julia's hair. I've had to trim her bangs three times now, and let' just say thank goodness this girl can work a bad 'do. Every time I look at her, I see Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber.

It gets worse. Every time John looks at her, he sees a Romulan from Star Trek.

At least it's a lady Romulan, right?

I did some googling, and there is no shortage of articles on the subject. Things like tips on bringing your baby to the salon, "fun" barrettes for girls, and "cool" streaks of colored paint for boys. The number one tip was downloading your baby's favorite show to my phone and letting her watch it during the cut. Insert groaning and judgment here. If I put a bow in Julia's hair, it gets pulled out and eaten within seconds. And there is no way I'm putting paint anywhere near her - who does that? Any article referencing cutting it at home also said to just expect it to look bad. Sorry, baby. No salon for you.

I think I'm just going to let it grow out naturally, maybe start coaxing it to the sides so it'll part in the middle. That's ok, right?

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