Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weeknight Cassoulet

We're still here!

Sorry it's been so long. As I've said before, moving is a ton of work. And kind of a pain.

Anyone remember this one? No? I see bacon!

But we've still been cooking and eating!

Some kind of sausage? Is that quinoa back there?
Did I already blog about this...?

I do, however, remember this cornbread:

I'd eat that right now. I threw in some corn kernels, too. Delicious.

Which brings us to this: My Weeknight Cassoulet

Already planning to make this one again. It's damn good.

This recipe has been adapted and changed and modified so many times that it's more casserole than cassoulet now. But who cares. It's cheap, quick, and easy. Insert yo mama jokes here.

Devoted muffin fans may notice that this recipe has tomatoes. Julia tolerates them now. After a visit to the pediatric allergist that I won't go into right now, she seems to have outgrown all her allergies while nobody was looking. I've welcomed back oats, tomatoes, coconuts, and probably something else I can't remember! It's pretty miraculous. Dairy still eludes us - probably just your garden variety lactose intolerance, but we're making our way through the top eight. Just amazing!


Weeknight Cassoulet:

I've made this in the past with a slice or three of bacon too. Render the fat, drain excess, and chop up.

2 packages keilbasa, chopped into half moons (look for one without MSG...)
2 zucchini, chopped into half moons
1 shallot, chopped
1 10oz can diced tomatoes, drained
4 10oz cans cannellini beans, drained and rinsed well
1 10oz bag frozen peas
3-4 slices safe bread, for breadcrumbs
big dashes of dried thyme, black pepper, and parsley (no salt needed)

Set the oven to 400.

In a large skillet, brown the meat and saute the zucchini and shallot over a high heat so that the moisture from the zucchini evaporates a bit (otherwise the casserole gets watery). Add in the tomatoes and peas and heat through.

Pour the contents of the skillet into a baking dish. Top with the cannellini beans. Process the bread to make crumbs and spread a good layer of them on top. Dot the top with safe butter. Bake 30 mins, or until browned. Devour immediately.


  1. Fantastic news that Julia has recovered from her allergies!

    1. It's been a complete shock! While nobody was looking, she outgrew them all! We're still proceeding with caution, but hopeful that dairy may be her only intolerance!!
