Friday, September 12, 2014

Welcome Back to Soy!

So, soy. I'd written it off as something we'd never touch again. We missed soy sauce on occasion, like when having sushi or wanting to build flavor in a sauce or marinade, and just figured that was the end of that. Then, earlier this or last month, we took the feisty one to the pediatric allergist, where she was tested for all the usual suspects. The testing itself was horrible. The doctor did skin tests of about a dozen foods, and Julia was completely inconsolable. It was awful, and I wish we had never put her through that. Another part of me is glad to have the information that the testing provided us, which is that Julia is not allergic to anything. Soy, dairy, nuts, wheat... you name it and she passed the test. Amazing!

Our pediatrician believed she would outgrow her allergies eventually, but that it could be a few months, a few years, or even a decade. And when nobody was looking, Julia started outgrowing hers! Oats, tomatoes, coconut and coconut products (!!!), and now even soy are are all back. Well, for the record, tomatoes only made her scream, not break out into baby hives or have bloody diapers. But oats and coconuts sure did, way back when. So what does this mean for us? More testing!

Dairy hasn't gone terribly well. Half a yogurt irritated my own stomach, and then Julia was up all night crying and farting. Poor kid. So after a break (and some sleep), we'll try it again. Maybe she'll get used to yogurt, one of these weeks!

And in the meantime, here's a soy sauce chicken recipe:

Sesame Chicken 
You could use any cut of chicken, or any kind of meat, really. Go ahead and buy what's on sale.

2 Tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
2 Tbsp Hoisin sauce
2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp garlic powder
big dash black pepper
2 1/2 - 3 lbs chicken

If desired: hot sauce, sesame seeds, and/or chopped green onions!

Oven to 425. Line a pan with sides with foil/parchment.
Mix up all the sauce ingredients and pour over desired meat. Insert in oven. Cook 35 mins or til cooked through.

Goes great with rice and sauteed green veg.

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