Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Black Bean Chili

John's coming home tonight! And in his honor, let there be chili!

That'd be pumpkin cider on the left. And baby food to the right...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Best Lentil Stew I Ever Made

Guys, this is it. This is the most delicious lentil stew I've ever made.
And if it's lentil stew season, then it can only mean one thing - John's away on business.

Took this one with my phone because I was too hungry to go get the real camera.
It looked better in person.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Welcome Back to Soy!

So, soy. I'd written it off as something we'd never touch again. We missed soy sauce on occasion, like when having sushi or wanting to build flavor in a sauce or marinade, and just figured that was the end of that. Then, earlier this or last month, we took the feisty one to the pediatric allergist, where she was tested for all the usual suspects. The testing itself was horrible. The doctor did skin tests of about a dozen foods, and Julia was completely inconsolable. It was awful, and I wish we had never put her through that. Another part of me is glad to have the information that the testing provided us, which is that Julia is not allergic to anything. Soy, dairy, nuts, wheat... you name it and she passed the test. Amazing!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weeknight Cassoulet

We're still here!

Sorry it's been so long. As I've said before, moving is a ton of work. And kind of a pain.

Anyone remember this one? No? I see bacon!